Ammar Kidwai

From TN


Published on July 17, 2020 by

Name : Ammar Kidwai , Age : 10, Receiting : Surat Ad Duha , Ammar has completed memorization of 5 Juz of the Quran, Alhamdulillah . He is homeschooled child who loves reading and learning. In this video he recites short Surat ad Duha. , Ammar has completed memorization of 5 Juz of the Quran, Alhamdulillah. He is homeschooled child who loves reading and learning. In this video he recites short Surat ad Duha. Memphis, TN.


1 comment

  • Asma 4 years ago

    Masha Allah tabarak Allah 👍🏻😍


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