Rayaan Abdirahman

From Victoria


Published on July 31, 2020 by

Name : Rayaan Abdirahman , Age : 11, Receiting : Ayah al kursi ~Surah Baqarah ayah 255~ , Assalamu Alaikum, thanks for listening to my recording. Their is ongoin hasanat for us both I’m Australian


  • yusuf 4 years ago

    Salam Alaykum. Please contact our office immediately for prize information.
    This entry is not completed properly. Any delays may affect prize assignment.
    Jazkallah khair.
    Management for Recite On TV
    August 2, 2020

  • yusuf 4 years ago

    Contact@GuideUS.TV -> Give parents names, email, phone#, address.

  • Nurto 4 years ago

    MashaAllah!! Absolutely incredible

  • yusuf 4 years ago

    Salam Alaykum Rayaan. Mashallah. Very good. Your ayatul Kursie is a good choice. Here’s a link to our website http://www.ReciteOnTV.com (you can choose a reciter of your choice) Click the “Gear Wheel” in the upper right-hand corner and see many options.
    Be sure to always watch and listen to your video before you upload it. This really can make a difference to the judges.

    We’re still waiting for the final judge’s opinions. Please make dua for all of us. Jazakallah khair.

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