Md Shanzid Bin Jamal , Receiting : surah al Bakarah ayat 26-50


Published on June 17, 2021 by

Md Shanzid Bin Jamal , Receiting : surah al Bakarah ayat 26-50

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1 comment

  • yusuf 3 years ago

    Salam alaykum, remember — Watch Sunday night, July 25, 2021 at 9PM EST (6 PM California time) for results and winners (and special surprise for ALL who entered this year)
    YES! You do have a prize coming to you, inshallah.

    Jazakallah khair was salam alaykum,
    Yusuf Estes 800-971-4383
    P.S. — I almost forgot – be sure to tell everyone to watch too! Share the link to your video on and to (it’s all free, no ads, no haram – just FREE)


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