Hamza Yusuf , Age Group : 8-12 Years , Receiting : Tawbah Ayah 60 , Receiting : Sura-tul Tawbah Ayah 60


Published on June 19, 2021 by

Hamza Yusuf , Age Group : 8-12 Years , Receiting : Tawbah Ayah 60 , Receiting : Sura-tul Tawbah Ayah 60

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1 comment

  • Yusuf Estes 4 years ago

    Salam Alaykum Hamza. Your clothes look nice and your posture is good too. But I cannot hear your recitation. Did it record properly? Please try again and upload a video with sound. It’s not really qualified to be judged unless there is sound.
    You might also have the light toward your face, instead of behind it. The light from the window makes it difficult to see your face.
    Keep reciting for Allah. There’s big rewards in Jennah waiting for you, inshallah.


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