Name : Fakhera Lutfur , Age : 7, Receiting : Sura Ankabut Ayyah 36 to 44. , Alhamdulillah I am a Hafiza of Al Quran. I completed hifz last Friday June 26, 2020.
Published on July 1, 2020 by aurasnani
Name : Fakhera Lutfur , Age : 7, Receiting : Sura Ankabut Ayyah 36 to 44. , Alhamdulillah I am a Hafiza of Al Quran. I completed hifz last Friday June 26, 2020.
Ma sha Allah
Ma Sha Allah.
Ma Sha Allah .
Ma sha allah , may Allah bless you all time.
Amazing !
MashaAllah alhamdulillah
Mashaallah alhamdulillah.
Fakhera, Salam Alaykum. Mashallah. Very good. Your Surah Al Ankabut is a good choice. Here’s a link to our website (you can choose a reciter of your choice) Click the “Gear Wheel” in the upper right-hand corner and see many options.
Be sure to always watch and listen to your video before you upload it. This really can make a difference to the judges.
We’re still waiting for the final judge’s opinions. Please make dua for all of us. Jazakallah khair.
Fakhera, I made a mistake – the link is not on Recite On TV – it’s on